
You currently reside in Bandung, Indonesia correct? Seems like a very cool and inspiring city. What are some of your favorite things about living in the "Paris of Java”?
Yes I am living in the one of the best cities in Indonesia. I live and work in Bandung, located in west Java, known as a creative city. My favorite things here are my friends, weather, vibes, and food! Four components that always make my day.

When did you discover ceramics and did you know that this was something you’d pursue for the next few decades?
I believe ceramics is an amazing material, it's unpredictable. Since 2002 until now, I am still actively making ceramics, besides teaching and continuing my PhD study. So I think ceramics will always be a part of my life.  

I'm naturally more creative in the morning, before I let the responsibilities of the day take over. Do you have a preference when creating work?
Same as you! I am a morning person, first I start a sketch, get some coffee and start to throw the clay. After that I look at the result and think again for tomorrow what are the best decisions for detailing and finishing the works.

‘Machina’ is a very cool series. Seems like a lot of work and patience to create each piece. Does creating works like this become meditative.
Thanks! Yes yes yes, need a lot patience on this series. And somehow the repetition does become meditative. It takes over one hour to finish the detail in one pot.

Your art has an industrial sci-future vibe. What are some of the influences behind your unique style?
Yes it's true, when I was child I was really close with mechanic things, my father was working at an aircraft company. On the other hand, I studied about craft and tradition. The contrast perspective between past and future really influences me when making ceramics. 

Are you a plant enthusiast, if so what are some of your favorite species?
Yes, I like plants. But I am not a good parent for them. Haha.. That is why it is better to collaborate with plant lovers, so I can stay focused on making art- planter.

Big thanks to Panji Wisesa for sharing some insight into his unique style and creating some planters for us. Hoping this is the first of many!