Nick Southard, the artisan behind WeAreStellar, is a master craftsman renowned for creating one-of-a-kind, fine handmade jewelry and intricate hand engraving. Based in Sherman Oaks, California, his work is defined by...
Nick Southard, the artisan behind WeAreStellar, is a master craftsman renowned for creating one-of-a-kind, fine handmade jewelry and intricate hand engraving. Based in Sherman Oaks, California, his work is defined by...
".. The contrast perspective between past and future really influences me when making ceramics" - Ceramic craftsman Panji Wisesa from West Java, Indonesia gives us a little insight on his unique style.
Founded by Cici Wong in 2020, Yuzu Leaf embodies the essence of simple, intentional living. Crafted by hand, these candles draw inspiration from the embrace of a cozy café, blending...
Small Spells, founded by Rachel Howe in 2012, evolved from a ceramics line into a center of tarot and astrology teachings; from writing daily horoscopes and making funny t-shirts to...
The story Opinel is one of the fabulous destiny of a little Savoyard folding knife invented by Joseph Opinel in 1890 which quickly became an item emblematic of French culture...
Alice is your trusted guide for functional mushroom based experiences. She is the feeling that there is more to learn, more to be discovered, and more to life than what...
APFR is a Japanese fragrance brand founded by Keita Sugasawa in 2011. Influenced by traditional fragrances, herbal medicine culture, natural philosophy, food, music and art from around the world, APFR...
What creative tools do you use to keep yourself motivated and inspired to keep producing?As Exhibition Designer at Laguna Art Museum for 2 decades I had the privilege of working...
THE INSPIRATION BEHIND FIELD NOTES When we released our 14th seasonal limited edition, we decided it was about time to get back to our roots. Field Notes in general, and...
Incausa is a unique social entrepreneurship venture founded by Vinicius Vieira de Vieira and Carolina Vieira, natives of Brazil. Established in 2012, Incausa operates both as a for-profit through the...
I use many different kinds of materials to make sculptures. Right now, I spend most of my time working with wood. I work alone on a daily basis, but when...
As our neighborhood of SOBECA , The Camp, and The Lab grows and evolves into THE place in Costa Mesa to shop, dine and explore, we have been privileged to support...
Libby England established Hare Brush Inc. in 2016 after graduating with a BFA in Studio Art and traveling the world painting wildlife murals while doing freelance illustration and design. In...
We are thrilled to showcase our latest collaborative efforts with exceptional restaurants and businesses across Southern California. Together, we've brought the vibrancy of plant life into their indoor and outdoor...
Since its establishment in 1861 in the Edo period, Toyama Hamono has inherited in shears manufacturing over the five generations. The founder, Ryumatsu Toyama started manufacturing garden shears, then the traditional...