Since its establishment in 1861 in the Edo period, Toyama Hamono
has inherited in shears manufacturing over the five generations. The founder, Ryumatsu Toyama started manufacturing garden shears, then the traditional fire making forging method that is the origin of our current pruner production was invented.
During the 2nd era of Tomijiro Toyama, tools enabled to cut materials for building construction such as thin metal plates were in demand starting to manufacture tools capable to cut a wide range of materials while continuing on garden shears production. In the 3rd era of Hideyoshi Toyama, started manufacturing iron plate cutting heavy duty tools required for aircraft production contributed to Japan's industry development.
In the 4th generation of Hidehisa Toyama, advanced to the evolution of manufacturing, started all kinds of product development receiving high praise in design and function that won numerous awards. Since the current and 5th generation of Hidenobu Toyama, has started to develop full range of overseas sales channels for gardening pruners began to spread to users around the world.

Non-toxic manufacturing process in the historical Japanese forging production extend tool life, and thus minimize needless waste.

Using "Tanzo" manufacturing, the historical and organic Japanese forging metal production method, the same method as Japanese sword, the world's sharpest tool is manufactured.

The inheritance of tradition in craftsmanship past over 160 years provides inspiration for new workability in gardening, Bonsai maintenance, or Ikebana production while improving current plants work more efficient.

Ancient Japanese forging technology to increase strength of metal materials in the process of hitting and applying pressure that can mold the metal into any desired shape. By hitting metal with a hammer, it crushes out internal voids, refines metal crystals, and regenerates the metal formation resulting in increasing the strength of the metal. Often used for products that require strength and durability such as automobiles or aircraft parts as well as kitchen knives. Invented 1,700 years ago in the Yayoi period that forged goods were used for agriculture, hunting, or weapons at that time. Japanese swords were the most famous tool made by Tanzo method.